Power Drill 2

Today we have for you a very important drill to help you hit the golf ball further. This drill will help you to create a bigger arc in your golf swing and if you can do that you WILL hit the ball further.

To do this drill you will need a broom. Once you have a broom simply grip it like you would a golf club and setup as though you’re about to swing a golf club. Then swing the broom but as you’re doing this you want to swing with as much extension as you can, both back and through. Also, here is a very important point. When you get to the top of your backswing focus on starting the downswing by moving your left knee towards your target. This will help you to start the downswing with your lower body and help you to have good sequencing in your golf swing so you generate the most power possible down where the ball would be.

When you look at all the long drivers they all have very wide arcs to their golf swings and this broom drill will help you to do this as well. Here is a video of Alex demonstrating this drill…

Important Note: Make sure you read all of the instructions below this video before trying it!

This drill is great for increasing active flexibility, BUT it can be quite hard on your body depending on how heavy the broom you’re using is. So if you do this exercise only start by doing it a couple of times a week and start off real slow. For example, on your first day only do one swing. Then in a couple of days time do two swings and keep adding a swing each time until you can do 10 swings in one session.After you can do about 10 swings with the broom then you need to work on speed.

Because to hit the golf ball further you’ve got to swing fast. So keep doing this broom drill, but here is a plan that you should follow with your 10 swings at one session. First, between each swing take about a 30 – 60 second break to give yourself time to recover.

On your first swing do so at about 50% of your potential speed. On your second swing do so at about 60% speed. Your 3rd swing do so at about 70% maximum. On your 4th swing do so about 80% maximum. On your 5th swing do so about 90% maximum. Then from then on swing at about 95% of your maximum. Do not swing at 100% of your maximum however because you want to hold a little back to help prevent injuries.

So there you go, that’s a super powerful golf swing exercise you can do to hit longer drives. But remember, these drills are just to compliment the golf swing speed challenge program. Because when you do that program you’ll be naturally swinging faster, hitting the ball further and having more fun playing golf.If you haven’t started the program yet make sure you start ASAP.