Power Drill 5

Balance in the golf swing is a very important element needed for you to hit long drives consistently. To help you achieve better balance in your golf swing so that you hit longer drives we have for you today a very simple drill you can do.

You can either do this drill while you’re hitting balls or when you’re just swinging. All you have to do is setup as you normally would but instead of your feet being spread apart place them together. Then swing while keeping your feet together. The great thing about doing this is you’ll get instant feedback if you lose your balance as you’re swinging because you’ll have to take a step.

After doing this drill and getting good at it so you don’t fall over, you can make it harder by doing the drill with your eyes closed. When you do this you’ll get a very good feeling of how your weight is shifting as you’re swinging and the balance during your swing.

Now a great side benefit of this drill is that it will help you to release the club more through impact with your hands. You are forced to do this because your lower body is kept very still as you’re swinging. So if you suffer from a slice problem this will be a great drill for you.

Do this drill regularly to help you swing with better balance and release the club more through impact. Here is Alex demonstrating this drill…

Next week we have a great, innovative drill to help you retain the lag in your golf swing so you hit the golf ball further. It’s a great drill you’ve probably never seen before.